Software Tools and Templates

Robust Systems and Strategy provides here software calculators, templates and tools for free distribution.  No correctness or fitness for use guarantees are provided or implied.  

Sigma capability, Cp, and DPMO Capability Calculator: determine your defect rate, Cpk, or Sigma Capability. XLS
Anderson-Darling Normality Test Calculator: check whether your sample data comes from a normally distributed population. XLS
Mean (T-test) Sample Size Calculator: determine sample size for ensuring a population average or the difference between two populations XLS
Variance Sample Size Calculator: determine sample size for ensuring a population standard deviation - one or two populations XLS
Defective Proportion Sample Size Calculator - one, two or n populations.  How many samples to assure a maximum defective proportion. XLS
Defect Rate per Interval Sample Size Calculator - one or two populations.  How many samples to assure a maximum defect rate. XLS
T-Test Sample Size Trade-Off Calculator: a more advanced version of the t-test sample size calculator with ability to trade-off power and confidence XLS
t-distribution: how to use Excel's TDIST and TINV for t-distribution calculations. XLS
Tolerance Interval Calculator: calculate the required tolerance interval to ensure a quality level based upon a given sample of data XLS
Real Win Worth Template XLS
Customer Selection Matrix Template XLS
Customer Interview Template XLS
Customer Needs List Template XLS
Pugh Concept Evaluation Template XLS
Weighted Sum Selection Calculator, complete with Error Analysis XLS
QFD Template XLS
FMEA Template XLS
Kepner-Tregoe PPA Template XLS
XPI Design-for-Assembly Analysis Template XLS
Stanford Design-for-Assembly Template XLS
Critial Parameter Management Worksheet Template XLS
DMAIC Six Sigma: Cause and Effect Matrix Template XLS
DMAIC Six Sigma: Control Plan Template XLS
DMAIC Six Sigma: KPOV Summary Sheet Template XLS